Key Ratios

Price & Volume

Recent Price $170.33
Recent Price 7/26/24
52 Week High $178.37
52 Week Low $136.57
5 Day Price Percent Change (%) 2.55%
4 Week Price Percent Change (%) 2.60%
26 Week Price Percent Change (%) 0.45%
52 Week Price Percent Change (%) 0.49%
Volume (3 Month Average) (Mil) 9.01
Volume (10 Day Average) (Mil) 0.30
Beta 0.62

Dividend Information

Yield (%) 1.29
Ex-Dividend Date 5/28/24
Dividend Rate 2.20

Financial Strength


Valuation Ratios

Price to Revenue (TTM) $5.67
Price to Revenue (MRQ) $5.75
Price to Revenue (FY) $5.98
Price to Cash Flow (TTM) $21.55
Price to Cash Flow (MRQ) $22.57
Price to Cash Flow (FY) $22.28
Price to Book (MRQ) $6.98
Price to Book (FY) $7.72
Total Debt to Equity (MRQ) (%) 14.05%
Total Debt to Equity (FY) (%) 17.10%
Current Ratio (MRQ) $1.39
Current Ratio (FY) $1.20

Per Share Data

Mgmt Effectiveness